Bernafon is a hearing aid manufacturer based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the organisation is owned by Demant A/S, a quoted Danish hearing healthcare Company.
In 2010, Demant joined the United Nations Global Compact. The Group reports annually on its actions and initiatives based on the 10 UNGC principles in the four areas of human rights, labour rights, environmental and anti-corruption actions. The Group believes this helps to scope its commitment to corporate responsibility and align strategies and goals.
We pay above the National Minimum Wage for all employees.
The Board of Directors of Oticon Ltd is responsible for the development and review of policies.
Demant supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO's Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Modern Slavery Act. With respect to these declarations, we have five principles as guidance for management and employees.
In 2016, we updated our reporting in order to adhere to the new British legislation on Modern Slavery. Our CSR report functions as Demant‘s statement on the UK Modern Slavery Act.
Modern Slavery
We stand by building awareness of modern slavery and against exploitation of labour, slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking.
We consider the risk of human trafficking in our supply chain to be very mild. Our revenue model has a predominant base in OECD countries, where the government has a higher level of control over human rights, labour rights and modern slavery enforcement. In terms of production and assemblies of our products, the company operates predominantly in Europe, North and Latin America, where the risks are contained.
We tackle the risk of exploitation in the labour market by working with suppliers, entities, sales subsidiaries and distributions network that comply and abide with our code of conduct, regulations on human rights, labour rights and business ethics. We have further strengthened our Supplier Code of Conduct in 2018.
Five human and labour rights principles
- We treat our employees with respect and dignity, encourage diversity and ensure fair treatment.
- We do not use and prohibit the use of forced or child labour.
- We provide a safe and healthy working environment where employees can perform to their full potential and where initiative is encouraged.
- We recognise our employees' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
- We strive to maintain good relations with neighbours and the surrounding society through involvement and open communication.
Board Approval
This statement was approved on 17th February 2025 by the organisation's board of directors, who will review and update it annually.